
Amanar Akhabbar


ESSCA School of Management, Paris campus

input-output analysis general equilibrium theory econometrics

Wassily Leontief


My research focuses on the history and epistemology of quantitative economics. Quantitative Economics was a distant ideal for many economists and has been made a practical reality by many others. It has taken various forms and is continuously evolving, from the Harvard Barometers and NBER early time series, to the Structural Econometrics of the Cowles Commission and more recent randomized controlled trials and other experimental approaches. My focus is on Interindustry Economics—Input-Output Analysis—as pioneered by Wassily Leontief in the interwar at Harvard University, its emergence and development as one of the various forms taken by quantitative economics.



  • Akhabbar, A. (2021). The Case against “Indirect” Statistical Inference: Wassily Leontief’s “Direct Induction” and The Structure of American Economy, 1919–29. History of Political Economy, 53(1), 259–292.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2019). Wassily Leontief et la science économique. Suivi de ’Les mathématiques dans la science économique, de Wassily Leontief. ENS éditions.

  • Akhabbar, A. (2019). Il y a une vie après la réfutation: Les limites de la méthode hypothético-déductive illustrées par le ’paradoxe de Leontief’ (There is a Life After Refutation: The Limits of the Hypo-deductive Method as illustrated by the’Leontief Paradox’). SSRN Papers.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2015). Statistical Economic Balances in Unbalanced Times. The Balance of the National Economy of the USSR, 1923–24: Pavel Illich Popov’s Contribution. In A Research Annual. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2014). Circulation du capital et explication du changement économique chez Marschak, Frisch et Leontief. Cahiers d’Economie Politique, 2, 119–157.

  • Akhabbar, A., & Allisson, F. (2014). Russian Political Economy from Utopia to Social Engineering: An Introduction. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 4(1), 5–15.


  • Akhabbar, A., Antille, G., Fontela, E., & Pulido, A. (2011). Input-output in Europe: Trends in research and applications. Œconomia, 1(1), 73–98.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2010). L’étrange victoire. Leontief et la transformation de la science économique. De la planification sans théorie à la mesure sans théorie, 1920-1949. Revue Européenne Des Sciences Sociales. European Journal of Social Sciences, XLVIII-145, 33–62.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2008). Wassily Leontief, l’analyse input-output et la République industrielle (Wassily Leontief, Input-Output Analysis, and the Industrial Republic) [PhD thesis].


  • Akhabbar, A., & Lallement, J. (2007). Appliquer la théorie de l’équilibre général: économie appliquée et politique économique de Walras à Leontief.(Applying General Equilibrium Theory: Applied Economics and Economic Policy from Walras to Leontief). Les Cahiers Du CERAS, HS, 5, 125–142.