Latest publications


  • Acosta, J., Cherrier, B., Claveau, F., Fontan, C., Goutsmedt, A., & Sergi, F. (2024). Six Decades of Economic Research at the Bank of England. History of Political Economy, 56(1).

  • Bach, M. (2024). Relocating Development Economics. Cambridge University Press.

  • Delcey, T., & Noblet, G. (2024). The Making of Informational Efficiency: Information Policy and Theory in Interwar Agricultural Economics. History of Political Economy, Forthcoming.

  • Jullien, D. (2024). Review of Methodology and History of Economics: Reflections With and Without Rules, edited by Bruce Caldwell, John Davis, Uskali Mäki, and Esther Mirjam Sent, Routledge. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, forthcoming.

  • Lecouteux, G., & Mitrouchev, I. (2024). The View from Manywhere: Normative Economics with Context-Dependent Preferences. Economics & Philosophy.

  • Leportier, K. (2024). Paternalism for rational agents. Journal of Economic Methodology.


  • Allisson, F. (2023). Leonid Naumovich Yurovsky et sa lecture «soviétique» de Pareto. Revue Européenne Des Sciences Sociales, 61(2), 161–177.

  • Allisson, F. (2023). Jean-Pierre Potier, Léon Walras, économiste et socialiste libéral. Essais, Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2019, 564 pp., €58. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30(2), 338–340.

  • Allisson, F., & Brisset, N. (2023). Aux origines du capitalisme : Robert Brenner et le marxisme politique. ENS Éditions.

  • Bach, M. (2023). Marginalised Actors of Knowledge: Evidence from India. In J. Östling, A. Nilsson Hammer, & D. Larsson Heidenblad (Eds.), Forms of Knowledge (pp. 121–138). Nordic Academic Press.

  • Bee, M., & Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2023). The Birth of Homo Œconomicus: The methodological debate on the economic agent from J. S. Mill to V. Pareto. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 45(1), 1–26.

  • Boissonnet, N., Ghersengorin, A., & Gleyze, S. (2023). Revealed deliberate preference change. Games and Economic Behavior, 142, 357–367.

  • Brisset, N., Fèvre, R., & Juille, T. (2023). Faire la Science de l’Homme, défaire la sociologie durkheimienne. François Perroux, la Fondation Carrel et les sciences sociales sous Vichy. Philosophia Scientiæ. Travaux d’Histoire Et De Philosophie Des Sciences, 27-1, 163–193.

  • Camilotto, N. (2023). Navigating the Oceans of Research Literature on Trust. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 13-2, 201–237.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2023). Contested values: Economic expertise in the comparable worth controversy, USA, 1979–1989. Economy and Society, 1–31.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2023). Book review of Soline Blanchard et Sophie Pochic (dir.), Quantifier l’égalité au travail. Outils politiques et enjeux scientifiques. Economy and Society, 65(3).

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., Girard, V., & Mayer, P. (2023). Measuring Caste-Based Discrimination. Dalits in the New Millennium, 414–432.

  • Cserne, P., & Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2023). Merit Goods. In M. Sellers & S. Kirste (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (pp. 2331–2336). Springer.

  • Dekker, E., & Gradoz, J. (2023). Managing Repugnance: How Core-Stigma Shapes Firm Behavior. Journal of Institutional Economics, 19(6), 903–917.

  • Delcey, T., & Sergi, F. (2023). The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Rational Expectations. How Did They Meet and Live (Happily?) Ever After. European Journal of History of Economic Thought, 30(1).

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2023). Richard Musgrave in Colombia: The Art of Tax Reform in a Developing Country. FinanzArchiv, 79(4), 332–360.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M., Johnson, M., & Sturn, R. (2023). From public finance to public economics. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30(5), 934–964.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M., Johnson, M., & Sturn, R. (2023). Mapping the history of public economics in the twentieth century: an introduction to the special issue. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30(5), 689–712.

  • Eckes, C., Brisset, N., Ariouet, C. F., & Fèvre, R. (2023). Introduction. Lever la parenthèse Vichy en histoire des sciences. Philosophia Scientiæ. Travaux d’Histoire Et De Philosophie Des Sciences, 27-1, 3–31.

  • Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2023). Definitions in economics: farewell to essentialism. Journal of Economic Methodology, 1–17.

  • Frasser, C., & Lebeau, L. (2023). Complementary Currencies and Liquidity: The Case of Coca-Base Money.

  • Frasser-Lozano, C., & Pájaro-Gallego, J. C. (2023). Reasignación de liquidez y costo de bienestar de la inflación en Colombia. Lecturas De Economı́a, 98, 67–95.

  • Fèvre, R., & Mueller, T. M. (2023). The emerging discipline of public economics in postwar France. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30(5), 739–763.

  • Fèvre, R., & Mueller, T. M. (2023). Toward a “Prodigious Revival of French Economics”? Allais, Debreu, and the Dead Loss Controversy (1943–51). History of Political Economy, 55(1), 1–38.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Claveau, F., & Herfeld, C. (2023). Quantitative and Computational Approaches in the Social Studies of Economics. Œconomia - History, Methodology, Philosophy, 13(2).

  • Goutsmedt, A., & Fontan, C. (2023). The ECB and the Inflation Monsters: Strategic Framing and the Responsibility Imperative (1998-2023). Journal of European Public Policy, Forthcoming 2024.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Sergi, F., Cherrier, B., Claveau, F., Fontan, C., & Acosta, J. (2023). To Change or Not to Change: The Evolution of Forecasting Models at the Bank of England. Journal of Economic Methodology, Forthcoming 2024.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Sergi, F., Claveau, F., & Fontan, C. (2023). The Different Paths of Scientization at the Bank of England. Working Paper for a Special Issue in Finance & Society.

  • Goutsmedt, A., & Truc, A. (2023). An Independent European Macroeconomics? A History of European Macroeconomics through the Lens of the European Economic Review. European Economic Review, 158.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Truc, A., & Claveau, F. (2023). Biblionetwork: An R Package for Creating Different Types of Bibliometric Networks.

  • Gradoz, J. (2023). The Computer and the Statistician. Computerization and the Mobilization of Scanner Data by National Statistical Institutes for the Construction of Price Indexes. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 13(3), 849–876.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2023). The Homer economicus narrative: from cognitive psychology to individual public policies. Journal of Economic Methodology, 30(2), 176–187.

  • Philippy, D., Betancourt, R. G., & Dimand, R. W. (2023). Hazel Kyrk’s intellectual roots: When First-Generation Home Economists met the Institutionalist Framework. Research in the History of Economic Though and Methodology, Forthcoming, 41(D), 6–26.

  • Pinzón-Fuchs, E. (2023). Friedman, Becker, and Klein on statistical illusions: Devising criteria to judge the performance of large-scale macroeconometric models. Lecturas De Economı́a, 98, 131–165.

  • Priolo, D., Milhabet, I., Bertolino, M., Juille, T., Jullien, D., Lecouteux, G., Rafaı̈ Ismaël, & Thérouanne, P. (2023). Would you like some coffee with your sugar? A natural field experiment on the efficiency and acceptability of setting zero sugars as a default in coffee-vending machines. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 7(1-2), 25–41.

  • Priolo, D., Milhabet, I., Bertolino, M., Juille, T., Jullien, D., Lecouteux, G., Rafaı̈ Ismaël, & Thérouanne, P. (2023). Would you like some coffee with your sugar? A natural field experiment on the efficiency and acceptability of setting zero sugars as a default in coffee-vending machines. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 7(1-2), 25–41.

  • Truc, A. (2023). Neuroeconomics, Hype or Hope? An Answer. Œconomia, Forthcoming.

  • Truc, A., & Jullien, D. (2023). A controversy about modeling practices: the case of inequity aversion. Journal of Economic Methodology, Forthcoming, 1–25.

  • Truc, A., & Jullien, D. (2023). A controversy about modeling practices: the case of inequity aversion. Journal of Economic Methodology, Forthcoming, 1–25.

  • Vallois, N. (2023). Yiddish and Social Science at the Economic-Statistical section of the YIVO, 1926-1939. Jewish History, 37(3-4), 1–35.

  • Chassonnery-Zaigouche, C., & Goutsmedt, A. (2023). Programming Expertise: The Political Element in Micro-Simulation. Working Paper for a Special Issue in Science in Context.

  • Chassonnery-Zaigouche, C., & Goutsmedt, A. (2023). Symposium on Elisabeth Popp Berman’s _Thinking Like an Economist_. 13, 3.


  • Allisson, F., Raskov, D. E., & Shirokorad, L. D. (Eds.). (2022). Politicheskja èkonomija Nikolaja Zibera. Antologija [The Political Economy of Nikolay Sieber: An Anthology] (p. 480). Institute Gaidar and Institute Smolny.

  • Allisson, F. (2022). N. I. Sieber - Vlijatel’nyj uchenyj-odinochka [N.I. Sieber as a Solitary but Influent Scholar]. In F. Allisson, D. E. Raskov, & L. D. Shirokorad (Eds.), Politicheskja èkonomija Nikolaja Zibera. Antologija [The Political Economy of Nikolay Sieber: An Anthology] (pp. 11–18). Institute Gaidar and Institute Smolny.

  • Allisson, F. (2022). Tugan-Baranovsky and the West. In V. S. Avtonomov & H. Hagemann (Eds.), Russian and Western Economic Thought. Mutual Influence and Transfer of Ideas (pp. 27–41). Springer.

  • Allisson, F., Raskov, D. E., & Shirokorad, L. D. (2022). Pochemu Ziber? [Why Sieber?]. In F. Allisson, D. E. Raskov, & L. D. Shirokorad (Eds.), Politicheskja èkonomija Nikolaja Zibera. Antologija [The Political Economy of Nikolay Sieber: An Anthology] (pp. 7–10). Institute Gaidar and Institute Smolny.

  • Bach, M. (2022). Albert O. Hirschman: An Intellectual Biography. History of Political Economy, 54(5), 997–999.

  • Bach, M. (2022). Positive Discourse Analysis: A method for the history of knowledge? In C. A. Lerg, J. Östling, & J. Weib (Eds.), Participatory Knowledge (Vol. 1, pp. 203–224). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

  • Bach, M. (2022). Poverty Thoery in Action: How Romesh Chunder Dutt’s European travels affected his poverty theory, 1868-1893. History of Political Economy, 54(3), 529–546.

  • Brisset, N., Fèvre, R., & Jean, P. (2022). Learning and Forgetting Marx’s Lesson: François Perroux’s Readings of Karl Marx. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on the Work of François Perroux, 40, 81–108.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., Forget, E. L., & Singleton, J. D. (2022). Women and economics: New historical perspectives. History of Political Economy, 54(S1), 1–15.

  • Colin-Jaeger, N. (2022). Gouverner par les règles: pensée politique et juridique néolibérale. Hayek, Lippmann, Buchanan, Posner. [PhD thesis]. ENS de Lyon.

  • Colin-Jaeger, N. (2022). Justice sociale et défense des marchés concurrentiels: peut-on réconcilier Rawls et Hayek? Implications Philosophiques.

  • Colin-Jaeger, N., Dold, M., & Gascoin, A. (2022). Realism and Deliberation in Constitutional Political Economy: The Fruitful Intellectual Dialogue between James Buchanan and John Rawls. In The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought, forthcoming. Routledge.

  • Dekker, E., & Gradoz, J. (2022). Exemplary Directors, European Imports, and the Changing Valuation of Films in Hollywood, 1961–1980. Cultural Sociology, 16(4), 503–526.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2022). Review of Boettke and Marciano (eds), The Soul of Classical Political Economy: James M. Buchanan from the Archives. History of Political Economy, 54(4), 816–818.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M., & Stojanović, A. (2022). Framing Institutional Choice, 1937–1973: New Institutional Economics and the Neglect of the Commons. Review of Political Economy, 34(4), 665–691.

  • Fèvre, R. (2022). The Madman and the Economist (s): Georges Bataille and François Perroux as French Critiques of the Marshall Plan. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 44(3), 344–369.

  • Fèvre, R. (2022). A Political Economy of Power: Ordoliberalism in Context, 1932-1950. Oxford University Press.

  • Goutsmedt, A. (2022). How the Phillips Curve Shaped Full Employment Policy in the 1970s: The Debates on the Humphrey-Hawkins Act. History of Political Economy, 54(2), 619–653.

  • Goutsmedt, A., & Truc, A. (2022). Networkflow: Functions For A Workflow To Manipulate Networks.

  • Jullien, D. (2022). Review of Frame it Again : New Tools for Rational Decision-Making, José Luis Bermúdez, Cambridge University Press. Revue d’Histoire De La Pensée Économique, 12(1), 143–149.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2022). Reconciling normative and behavioural economics: the problem that cannot be solved. In S. Badiei & A. Grivaux (Eds.), The Positive and the Normative in Economic Thought. Routledge.

  • Leportier, K. (2022). Chapitre 10. L’économie normative sans les préférences ? Critère d’opportunité, anti-paternalisme et engagement. In A. G. Badiei Sina et Gilles Campagnolo (Ed.), Le positif, le normatif et la philosophie économique (pp. 271–290). Éditions Matériologiques.

  • Rafaï, I., Ribaillier, A., & Jullien, D. (2022). The impact on nudge acceptability judgements of framing and consultation of the targeted population. Behavioural Public Policy, Forthcoming, 1–16.

  • Truc, A. (2022). Forty years of behavioral economics. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 29(3), 393–437.

  • Truc, A. (2022). Interdisciplinary influences in behavioral economics: a bibliometric analysis of cross disciplinary citations. Journal of Economic Methodology, 29(3), 217–251.

  • Truc, A. (2022). Becoming paradigmatic: the strategic uses of narratives in behavioral economics. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 29(1), 146–168.

  • Vallois, N. (2022). Non-proletarianization theories of the Jewish worker (1902-1939). Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 44(4), 527–555.

  • Vallois, N. (2022). Statistics, race, and essentialism in the debate over Jewish employment structure (1905-1939). Jewish Social Studies, 27(1), 185–225.

  • Vallois, N. (2022). “Floating Jews”—The luftmentsh as an Economic Character.". Œconomia, 12(2), 275–314.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2021). The Case against “Indirect” Statistical Inference: Wassily Leontief’s “Direct Induction” and The Structure of American Economy, 1919–29. History of Political Economy, 53(1), 259–292.

  • Allisson, F. (2021). Tugan-Baranovsky and the West. Russian Journal of Economics, 7(1), 19–33.

  • Bach, M. (2021). A Win-Win Model of Development: How Indian Economics Redefined Universal Development from and at the Margins. Journal of the History of Economic Thought.

  • Baujard, A., Favereau, J., & Girard, C. (2021). Normes et normativité en économie. Revue De Philosophie Economique, 21(1), 3–18.

  • Brisset, N., & Fèvre, R. (2021). Peregrinations of a Corporatist Economist: François Perroux’s Travels in Fascist Europe. History of Political Economy, 53(4), 745–782.

  • Brisset, N., & Fèvre, R. (2021). Les économistes face à l’État français. Politix, 133(1), 29–54.

  • Brisset, N., & Fèvre, R. (2021). Prendre la parole sous l’État français-Le cas de François Perroux. Revue d’Histoire De La Pensée Économique, 2021(11), 25–56.

  • Camilotto, N. (2021). From Multidisciplinarity to Interdisciplinarity: on The Role of the Seminar as an Interface for Exchange, The case of the Seminar on Trust and Social change (1985-1986). Revue d’Économie Politique, 132(5), 803–824.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2021). Review of Giandomenica Becchio, A History of Feminist and Gender Economics. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Forthcoming.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., & Cherrier, B. (2021). Margaret W. Rossiter et l’histoire des femmes scientifiques américaines. Zilsel, 8.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., & Cot, A. L. (2021). Sentiment and Prejudice: Francis Ysidro Edgeworth on Women’s Wages. History of Political Economy, Forthcoming.

  • Claveau, F., Truc, A., Santerre, O., & Mireles-Flores, L. (2021). Philosophy of Economics? Three Decades of Bibliometric History. In J. Reiss & C. Heilmann (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics (pp. 151–168). Routledge.

  • Colin, N. (2021). Hayek and Lippmann and the Reconstruction of Liberalism in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Anthropology and Epistemology at the Basis of the Neoliberal Consensus. Œconomia, 11(2).

  • Colin, N. (2021). Can We Design Spontaneity? The Tension between Evolution and Design and the Defense of Liberalism in Hayek. Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University Working Paper Series.

  • Colin-Jaeger, N., & Wiedemann, E. (2021). Aux origines nietzschéennes des ambiguı̈tés du concept d’entrepreneur: Schumpeter lecteur de Nietzsche. Revue De Philosophie Economique/Review of Economic Philosophy, 22(2).

  • Couix, Q. (2021). Models as ‘Analytical Similes’: On Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen’s Contribution to Economic Methodology. Journal of Economic Methodology.

  • Couix, Q., & Giraud, G. (2021). La difficile conversion à l’écologie de la recherche en économie. Annales Des Mines - Responsabilité Et Environnement, 101, 21–24.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2021). Généalogie du principe d’équité horizontale. Une contribution à l’histoire de la normativité en théorie des finances publiques. Revue De Philosophie Économique, 22(2), 149–176.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2021). Walras, Musgrave et l’hétérogénéité entre les biens publics et les biens privés. Œconomia, 11(2), 315–346.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2021). Paternalism and the Public Household: On the Domestic Origins of Public Economics. History of Political Economy, 53(2), 179–211.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2021). Musgrave and the Idea of Community. In R. E. Backhouse, A. Baujard, & T. Nishizawa (Eds.), Welfare Theory, Public Action, and Ethical Values (pp. 232–255). Cambridge University Press.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2021). Review of Manuela Mosca, Monopoly power and competition: The Italian Marginalist perspective. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(1), 170–172.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M., & Svorenčík, A. (2021). A prosopography of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(6), 1005–1024.

  • Favereau, J. (2021). Le hasard de la preuve. Apports et limites de l’économie expérimentale du développement. ENS Editions, à paraître mai 2021.

  • Favereau, J., & Nagatsu, M. (2021). History and Methodology of Field Experiments. Routledge, à paraître octobre 2021.

  • Fèvre, R. (2021). Eucken’s Competition with Keynes: Beyond the Ordoliberal Allergy to the Keynesian Medicine. In Political Economy and International Order in Interwar Europe (pp. 25–57). Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Goutsmedt, A. (2021). From the Stagflation to the Great Inflation: Explaining the US Economy of the 1970s. Revue d’Economie Politique, 131(3), 557–582.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Renault, M., & Sergi, F. (2021). European Economics and the Early Years of the International Seminar on Macroeconomics. Revue d’Economie Politique, 131(4), 693–722.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Renault, M., & Sergi, F. (2021). European Economics and the Early Years of the ‘International Seminar on Macroeconomics.’ Revue d’Economie Politique, Forthcoming.

  • Gradoz, J. (2021). Modérer l’activité des modérateurs ? À propos de l’ouvrage Derrière les écrans. Les nettoyeurs du Web à l’ombre des réseaux sociaux, de Sarah T. Roberts (La Découverte, 2020). Revue Française De Socio-Economie, 27, 231–239.

  • Gradoz, J., & Raux, R. (2021). Trolling in the Deep. In E. Dekker & P. Kuchař (Eds.), Governing Markets as Knowledge Commons (pp. 217–237). Cambridge University Press.

  • Hurtado, J., & Pinzòn-Fuchs, E. (2021). Understanding the Effects of Journal Impact Factors on the Publishing Behavior of Historians of Economics. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 11(3), 485–496.

  • Hurtado, J., & Pinzònn-Fuchs, E. (2021). Understanding diversity (or the lack thereof) in the economics profession in Latin America. Cuadernos De Economı́a, 40(84), 7–20.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2021). Welfare economics in large worlds: welfare and public policies in an uncertain environment. In H. Kincaid & D. Ross (Eds.), A Modern Guide to Philosophy of Economics (pp. 208–233). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2021). Behavioral Welfare Economics and Consumer Sovereignty. In C. Heilmann & J. Reiss (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics (pp. 56–66). Routledge.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2021). Welfare economics in large worlds: welfare and public policies in an uncertain environment. In H. Kincaid & D. Ross (Eds.), Elgar Modern Guide to the Philosophy of Economics. Elgar.

  • Lenfant, J.-S. (2021). Great Expectations. Hicks on Expectations from Theory of Wages (1932) to Value and Capital (1939). Revue d’Economie Politique, Forthcoming.

  • Philippy, D. (2021). Ellen Richards’s home economics movement and the birth of the economics of consumption. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 43(3), 378–400.

  • Renault, M. (2021). Theory to the Rescue of Large-scale Models: Edmond Malinvaud’s View on the Search for Microfoundations. History of Political Economy (Forthcoming), 54(2), 29–62.

  • Renault, M. (2021). Macroeconomics under Pressure: The Feedback Effects of Economic Expertise. GREDEG Working Papers, 2021-02.

  • Renault, M., Plassard, R., & Rubin, G. (2021). Modeling Market Dynamics: Jean-Pascal Bénassy, Edmond Malinvaud, and the Development of Disequilibrium Dynamics. In History of Economic Ideas: Vol. XXIX (No.1; Number 1, pp. 83–114).

  • Sergi, F. (2021). Book Review. Arie Arnon, Warren Young, and Karine van der Beek, eds., \textiExpectations: Theory and Application from Historical Perspectives (Cham: Springer, 2020), pp. xiv 238, $160. ISBN: 9783030413569. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 43(4), 663–665.

  • Sergi, F. (2021). Book Review. The Friedman-Lucas Transition in Macroeconomics: A Structuralist Approach by Peter Galbács. History of Political Economy, 53(4), 790–793.

  • Soudan, G., Philippy, D., & Maas, H. (2021). Crossing the doorsteps for social reform: The social crusades of Florence Kelley and Ellen Richards. Science in Context, 34(4), 501–525.

  • Truc, A., Claveau, F., & Santerre, O. (2021). Economic methodology: a bibliometric perspective. Journal of Economic Methodology, 28(1), 67–78.

  • Vallois, N. (2021). La place paradoxale du religieux dans les « statistiques juives » au début du XXe siècle - Le cas de Yakov Leshchinsky. Archives De Sciences Sociales Des Religions, 195, 83–104.

  • Vallois, N. (2021). Jewish Social Science and the Analysis of Jewish Statistics in the Early 20th Century. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 43(1), 1–26.

  • Vallois, C., Nicolas; Chassonery-Zaïgouche. (2021). ’There is nothing wrong about being money grubbing!’ Milton Friedman’s provocative ’Capitalism and the Jews’ in context (1972-88). History of Political Economy, 53(2).


  • Allisson, F. (2020). The Role of Nikolay Sieber in Early Russian Marxism. In V. S. Avtonomov & A. Y. Rubinshtein (Eds.), Ekonomicheskie teorii v prostranstve i vremini (Economic Theories in Space and Time) (pp. 325–337). Aletejja and Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science.

  • Allisson, F., D’Onofrio, F., Raskov, D. E., & Shirokorad, L. D. (2020). Marxism Before Marxism: Nikolaj Sieber and the Birth of Russian Social-Democracy. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27(2), 298–323.

  • Allisson, F., & Missemer, A. (2020). Some Historiographical Tools for the Study of Intellectual Legacies. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 84, 132–141.

  • Bach, M., & Morgan, M. S. (2020). Measuring Difference? The United Nations’ Shift from Progress to Poverty. History of Political Economy, 52(3), 539–560.

  • Bach, M. (2020). Phd thesis summary: Redefining universal development from and at the margins: Indian economies’ contribution to development discourse, 1870-1905. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 13(1), 139–147.

  • Bach, M. (2020). Ajit Sinha and Alex M. Thomas (eds), Pluralistic Economics and Its History. Œconomia, 10-2, 351–357.

  • Beddeleem, M., & Colin-Jaeger, N. (2020). L’héritage conservateur du néolibéralisme. Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire Des Idées, Pensée Politique, 23.

  • Benavides, Ó. A., Bogliacino, & others. (2020). Covid-19: Efectos Económicos Y Polı́ticas Públicas Para Enfrentar La Crisis (COVID-19: Economic Effects and Public Policies to Face the Crisis).

  • Borie, D., & Jullien, D. (2020). Description-dependent Preferences. Journal of Economic Psychology, 81, 102311.

  • Brisset, N., & Fèvre, R. (2020). The “community of labour” in troubled times (1926–1944): François Perroux’s irrational foundations of economic expertise. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 1–27.

  • Brisset, N., & Fèvre, R. (2020). The Vichy Opportunity: François Perroux’s Institutional and Intellectual Entrepreneurship. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Economists and Authoritarian Regimes in the 20th Century.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2020). How Economists Entered the ‘Numbers Game’. Measuring Discrimination in the U.S. Courtrooms, 1971-1989. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 42(2), 229–259.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2020). Race in the History of Economics: The Missing Narratives? A Review Essay on Thomas Leonard’s Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics and American Economics in the Progressive Era. Œconomia, 10(2), 333–349.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2020). Introduction: Economists in Court. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 42(2), 199–202.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., Cherrier, B., & Singleton, J. (2020). ’Economics is Not a Men’s Field’: A History of the American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession. Working Paper SSRN.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., Cherrier, B., & Singleton, J. (2020). ’Out in the open’ controversy: Economists’ perspectives on the first gender reckoning in economics. In S. Lundberg (Ed.), Women In Economics. CEPR.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., Léontine, G., & Levionnois, C. (2020). Quantifier les inégalités entre données d’enquête et données expérimentales: l’évolution du rôle du chercheur dans la construction de la variable “race.” In A. Gramain & L. Fellner (Eds.), L’évidence et l’invisible: questions de méthodes en histoire et en économie. Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne.

  • Colin, N., & Delcey, T. (2020). When Efficient Market Hypothesis Meets Hayek on information, Beyond a Methodological Reading, . Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(2).

  • Colin-Jaeger, N. (2020). L’idéal Démocratique Contre la Démocratie: Buchanan et L’économie Politique Constitutionnelle. Consecutio Rerum, 9, 97–131.

  • Colin-Jaeger, N., & Verlengia, C. (2020). Les définitions néolibérales de la démocratie, entre critique et recatégorisation. Consecutio Rerum: Rivista Critica Della Postmodernità, 5(9), 7–24.

  • Couix, Q. (2020). Georgescu-Roegen’s Flow-Fund Theory of Production in Retrospect. Ecological Economics, 176.

  • Delcey, T. (2020). Book Review "Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc, Quantitative Methods in the Humanities. An Introduction". Œconomia, 10(4).

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2020). W.H. Hutt and the Conceptualization of Consumers’ Sovereignty. Oxford Economic Papers.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2020). Review of Niklas Olsen, The Sovereign Consumer: A New Intellectual History of Neoliberalism. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Forthcoming.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2020). Musgrave and the Idea of Community. In R. Backhouse, A. Baujard, & T. Nishizawa (Eds.), Welfare theory, public action and ethical values: re-evaluating the history of welfare economics. Cambridge University Press.

  • Diemer, A., & Lallement, J. (2020). Maurice Allais, l’impôt sur le capital et la justice sociale. Revue Francophone Du Développement Durable, 16, 18–55.

  • Favereau, J. (2020). D’où viennent les expériences de terrain en économie? L’Economie Politique, 4, 82–92.

  • Favereau, J., & Nagatsu, M. (2020). Holding back from theory: limits and methodological alternatives of randomized field experiments in development economics. Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(3), 191–211.

  • Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2020). What Do We Call Money? An Appraisal of the Money-Or-Nonmoney View. Journal of Institutional Economics, 1–16.

  • Fèvre, R. (2020). The Routledge companion to literature and economics: edited by Matt Seybold and Michelle Chihara, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2019, 424 pp.,\pounds 175 (Hardback), ISBN 9781138190870. Routledge.

  • Fèvre, R. (2020). Power as an epistemological obstacle: Walter Eucken’s quest for an interest-proof economic science. Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(4), 330–350.

  • Leportier, K. (2020). Christian List, Why Free Will Is Real. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 10(3), 629–634.

  • Nagatsu, M., & Favereau, J. (2020). Two strands of field experiments in economics: A historical-methodological analysis. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 50(1), 45–77.

  • Nicolas, B., & Jullien, D. (2020). The model (also) in the world: extending the sociological theory of fields to economic models. Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(2), 130–145.

  • Renault, M. (2020). Edmond Malinvaud’s Criticisms of the New Classical Economics: Restoring the Nature and the Rationale of the Old Keynesians’ Opposition. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 42(4), 563–585.

  • Renault, M., Plassard, R., & Rubin, G. (2020). Modeling Market Dynamics: Jean-Pascal Bénassy, Edmond Malinvaud, and the Development of Disequilibrium Dynamics. Working Paper, hal-03051840.

  • Sergi, F. (2020). The Standard Narrative about DSGE Models in Central Banks’ Technical Reports. European Journal of the History of Economic Though, 27(2), 163–193.

  • Sergi, F. (2020). Book Review. Lawrence Boland, Equilibrium Models in Economics. Purposes and Critical Limitations. Œconomia – History, Methodology and Philosophy, 10(3), 615–621.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2019). Wassily Leontief et la science économique. Suivi de ’Les mathématiques dans la science économique, de Wassily Leontief. ENS éditions.

  • Akhabbar, A. (2019). Il y a une vie après la réfutation: Les limites de la méthode hypothético-déductive illustrées par le ’paradoxe de Leontief’ (There is a Life After Refutation: The Limits of the Hypo-deductive Method as illustrated by the’Leontief Paradox’). SSRN Papers.

  • Allisson, F. (2019). Penser l’Histoire: la dynamique du capitalisme. In S. Ferey & S. Rivot (Eds.), Histoire de la pensée économique (pp. 141–163). Pearson.

  • Allisson, F., & Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2019). La dette publique: une histoire longue (Special issue). Œconomia — History | Methodology | Philosophy, 9(4), 723–829.

  • Baranzini, R., & Fèvre, R. (2019). Walras as an ordoliberal? The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26(2), 380–413.

  • Brisset, N. (2019). Pierre Bourdieu néo-smithien ? À propos d’Anthropologie économique. Revue De Philosophie Économique, 20(1), 247–256.

  • Brisset, N. (2019). Commentary: Assembling the Economic Actors. In M. N. et Attalia Ruzzene. (Ed.), Contemporary Philosophy and Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (p. 365). Bloomsbury.

  • Brisset, N., Fèvre, R., & Juille, T. (2019). Les années noires de la “Science de l’Homme”. François Perroux, la Fondation Carrel et l’appropriation de la sociologie. Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS).

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2019). Is Equal Pay Worth It? Beatrice Potter Webb, Millicent Garrett Fawcett and Eleanor Rathbone’s Changing Arguments. In K. Madden & R. Dimand (Eds.), Handbook of Women economists. Routledge.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., Herfeld, C., & Pinzòn-Fuchs, E. (2019). Impact Factor Pressures, Scientific Practices, and the Place of Survey Articles in the History of Economic. CHOPEWorking Paper 2019-09.2018.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., Herfeld, C., & Pinzòn-Fuchs, E. (2019). New Scope, New Sources, New Methods? An Essay on Contemporary Scholarship in History of Economic Thought Journals. CHOPE Working Paper 2018-07.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., & Noblet, G. (2019). Antoine Missemer, Les économistes et la fin des énergies fossiles (1865–1931) by Antoine Missemer, Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2017, 225 pp., €28, ISBN 978-2-406-06252-3. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.

  • Colin, N. (2019). L’anthropologie économique de Pierre Bourdieu, vision économique et vision sociologique du social. Working Paper.

  • Commun, P., & Fèvre, R. (2019). Walter Eucken, entre économie et politique.

  • Couix, Q. (2019). Natural Resources in the Theory of Production: The Georgescu-Roegen/Daly versus Solow/Stiglitz Controversy. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 26(6), 1341–1378.

  • Couix, Q. (2019). L’énergie et les fonctions de production agrégées : perspectives historique et méthodologique. Document De Travail Du Centre d’Economie De La Sorbonne, 2019.27.

  • Delcey, T. (2019). Samuelson vs Fama on the Efficient Market Hypothesis: The Point of View of Expertise. Œconomia, 9(1), 37–58.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2019). Calabresi on Merit Goods. Global Jurist, 19(3).

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2019). The normative problem of merit goods in perspective. Forum for Social Economics, 48(3), 219–247.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2019). Review of June A. Sekera, The Public Economy in Crisis. A Call for a New Public Economics. Œconomia, 9(3), 585–588.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M., & Johnson, M. (2019). The Fiscal Policy Seminar: Its Early Stages’ by Richard A. Musgrave. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 37, 147–179.

  • Fèvre, R. (2019). The birth of austerity. German ordoliberalism and contemporary neoliberalism. Routledge.

  • Fèvre, R. (2019). L’évolution du concept de concurrence d’Adam Smith à Friedrich Hayek. Regards Croises Sur l’Economie, 2, 24–35.

  • Goutsmedt, A. (2019). James Forder, Macroeconomics and the Phillips Curve Myth. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 9-3, 589–594.

  • Goutsmedt, A. (2019). Stagflation and the crossroad in macroeconomics, the struggle between structural and New Classical macroeconometrics. Document De Travail Du Centre d’Economie De La Sorbonne.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Guizzo, D., & Sergi, F. (2019). An agenda without a plan, Robert E Lucas’s trajectory through the public debate. Œconomia, 9(2).

  • Goutsmedt, A., Pinzon-Fuchs, E., Renault, M., & Sergi, F. (2019). Reacting to the Lucas Critique, The Keynesians’ Pragmatic Replies. History of Political Economy, 51(3), 535–556.

  • Gradoz, J. (2019). Luc Boltanski et Arnaud Esquerre, Enrichissement. Une critique de la marchandise. Œconomia, 9(1), 179–187.

  • Gradoz, J., & Hoibian, S. (2019). Une reconsidération de la fracture numérique française au travers d’une approche par les capabilités, l’enjeu d’apprendre à apprendre. Gérer Et Comprendre, 136, 40–62.

  • Jullien, D. (2019). Review of The Individual and the Other in Economic Thought, édité par Ragip Ege et Herrade Igersheim, Routledge. Revue d’Histoire De La Pensée Économique, 8(2), 279–284.

  • Jullien, D. (2019). Interviews: Some Methodological and Historiographical Issues of Oral Sources. In T. Düppe & E. R. Weintraub (Eds.), A Contemporary Historiography of Economics (pp. 37–56). Routledge.

  • Lenfant, J.-S. (2019). La théorie de l’équilibre général et la théorie des jeux: deux grands paradigms en question (des années 1920 aux années 1980). In S. F. et Sylvie Rivot (Ed.), Histoire de la pensée économique (pp. 229–253). Pearson.

  • Pinzon-Fuchs, E. (2019). Lawrence R. Klein and the making of macro-econometric modeling, 1938-1955. History of Political Economy, 51(3), 535–556.

  • Pinzon-Fuchs, E., & Acosta, J. C. (2019). Peddling macroeconometric modelling and quantitative policy analysis: the early years of the SSRC’s Committee on Economic Stability, 1959-1963. Œconomia, 9(2).

  • Pinzon-Fuchs, E., & Jacques, T. (2019). La construction d’un système statistique : le cas des statistiques du commerce intérieur en France, de 1945 aux années 1970. In A. Gramain (Ed.), L’évident et l’invisible : questions de méthodes en économie et en histoire.

  • Renault, M. (2019). Theory to the Rescue of Large-scale Models: Edmond Malinvaud’s Alternative View on the Search for Microfoundations. Available at SSRN 3434008.

  • Sergi, F. (2019). Book Review. Amanar Akhabbar, Wassily Leontieff et la science économique. Œconomia – History, Methodology and Philosophy, 9(3), 619–626.


  • Allisson, F., & Mueller, T. (2018). From Walras’s Physics Envy to Winiarski’s Mécanique sociale. History of Economic Ideas, 26(2), 103–123.

  • Bach, M. (2018). What Laws Determine Progress? An Indian Contribution to the Idea of Progress Based on Mahadev Govind Ranade’s Works, 1870–1901. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(2), 327–356.

  • Brisset, N. (2018). Models as Speech Acts: the telling case of financial models. Journal of Economic Methodology. Journal of Economic Methodology, 25(1), 21–41.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2018). Crossing Boundaries, Displacing Previous Knowledge and Claiming Superiority : Is The Economics of Discrimination a Conquest of Economics Imperialism? In M. Uskali, F. P. Manuela, & W. Adrian (Eds.), Scientific Imperialism : Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity. Routledge.

  • Couix, Q. (2018). From Methodology to Practice (and Back): Georgescu-Roegen’s Philosophy of Economics and the Flow-Fund Model. Document De Travail Du Centre d’Economie De La Sorbonne, 2018.21.

  • Couix, Q. (2018). The Role of Natural Resources in Production: Georgescu-Roegen/Daly versus Solow/Stiglitz. Document De Travail Du Centre d’Economie De La Sorbonne, 2018.01.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2018). Review of Ian Kumekawa, The First Serious Optimist. A. C. Pigou and the Birth of Welfare Economics. History of Economic Ideas, 26(1), 190–194.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2018). Review of The world in the model. How economists work and think, by Mary S. Morgan. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(3), 493–498.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2018). Le problème de la justification du concept de bien méritoire en perspective. In P. Crétois (Ed.), L’accaparement des biens communs. Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre.

  • Favereau, J. (2018). Marcel Boumans, Science Outside the Laboratory. Measurement in Field Science and Economics. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 8-1, 125–130.

  • Fèvre, R. (2018). Was Wilhelm Röpke Really a Proto-Keynesian? In Wilhelm Röpke (1899–1966) (pp. 109–120). Springer.

  • Fèvre, R. (2018). Keynes and Eucken on Capitalism and Power. In Power in Economic Thought (pp. 321–347). Springer.

  • Fèvre, R. (2018). Denazifying the Economy: Ordoliberals on the Economic Policy Battlefield (1946–50). History of Political Economy, 50(4), 679–707.

  • Goutsmedt, A. (2018). Thomas Sargent face à Robert Lucas, une autre ambition pour la Nouvelle Economie Classique. Œconomia, 8(2).

  • Goutsmedt, A., & Rubin, G. (2018). Robert J. Gordon and the introduction of the Natural Rate Hypothesis in the Keynesian Framework. History of Economic Ideas, 26(3), 157–187.

  • Jullien, D. (2018). Under Risk, Over Time, Regarding Other People: Language and Rationality Within Three Dimensions. Research in History and Methodology of Economics, 36(C).

  • Jullien, D. (2018). Practices of Using Interviews in History of Contemporary Economics. History of Political Economy, 50(3), 563–570.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2018). Bayesian Game Theorists and Non Bayesian Players. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(6), 1420–1454.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2018). What Does ’We’ Want? Team Reasoning, Game Theory, and Unselfish Behaviours. Revue d’Économie Politique, 128(3), 311–332.

  • Lenfant, J.-S. (2018). Probabilizing the Consumer: Georgescu-Roegen, Marschak and Quandt on the Modeling of the Consumer in the 1950s. European Journal in the History of Economic Thought, 25(1).

  • Lenfant, J.-S. (2018). Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Utility Measurement (But Were Afraid to Ask). Review essay on Ivan Moscati’s Measuring Utility. From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioural Economics. Œconomia, 9(1).

  • Maas, H., & Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2018). Review of Gilbert Faccarello and Heinz D. Kurz (Eds), Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, 3 vols. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(1), 175–182.

  • Magalhães, N., Fressoz, J.-B., Jarrige, F., Levillain, G., Lyautey, M., Le Roux, T., Noblet, G., & Bonneuil, C. (2018). L’économie matérielle de la France (1830-2015). L’histoire d’un parasite ? HAL Working Paper. Accepted English Version for the Journal of Ecological Economics.

  • Morgan, M. S., & Bach, M. (2018). Measuring development- from the UN’s perspective. History of Political Economy, 50(S1).

  • Sergi, F. (2018). DSGE models and the Lucas Critique. A historical appraisal. UWE Economics Papers Nr 1806, University of the West of England Bristol.

  • Truc, A. (2018). Is ‘new’ behavioral economics ‘mainstream’? Journal of Economic Methodology, 25(1), 83–104.

  • Vallois, N., & Jullien, D. (2018). A History of Statistical Methods in Experimental Economics. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(6).


  • Allisson, F. (2017). Rusia y Ucrania. In V. Barnett (Ed.), Historia del pensamiento económico mundial (pp. 153–163). Ediciones Parainfo.

  • Armatte, M., Cot, A. L., Mairesse, J., & Renault, M. (2017). Edmond Malinvaud and the Problem of Statistical Induction. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 125/126, 79–111.

  • Brisset, N. (2017). The Future of Performativity. Œconomia, 7(3), 439–452.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C., & Larrouy, L. (2017). “From warfare to welfare”: Contextualising Arrow and Schelling’s models of racial inequalities (1968–1972). The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 24(6), 1355–1387.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2017). A genealogy of the concept of merit wants. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 24(3), 409–440.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2017). Musgrave, Samuelson, and the Crystallization of the Standard Rationale for Public Goods. History of Political Economy, 49(1), 59–92.

  • Fevre, R. (2017). L’ordolibéralisme (1932-1950): une économie politique du pouvoir [PhD thesis]. Université de Lausanne, Faculté des hautes études commerciales.

  • Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2017). Revista de economia institucional. La Naturaleza De Las Instituciones. El Debate Actual, 19(37).

  • Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2017). Rules, Incentivization, and the Ontology of Human Society. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 47(6).

  • Fèvre, R. (2017). Le marché sans pouvoir: au c\oeur du discours ordolibéral. Revue d’Économie Politique, 127(1), 119–151.

  • Fèvre, R. (2017). Walter Eucken et Wilhelm Röpke face à la nouvelle Question Sociale. 3, 209–240.

  • Fèvre, R. (2017). From barter to monetary economy: Ordoliberal views on the post-WWII German economic order. In War in the History of Economic Thought (pp. 218–238). Routledge.

  • Goutsmedt, A. (2017). The Macroeconomists and Stagflation, Essays on the Transformations of Macroeconomics in the 1970s [PhD thesis]. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

  • Juille, T., & Jullien, D. (2017). Narrativity and Identity in the Representation of the Economic Agent. Journal of Economic Methodology, 24(3), 274–296.

  • Jullien, D. (2017). À la recherche de la signification perdue du paradoxe d’Allais. Revue Économique, 68(4), 695–699.

  • Lallement, J. (2017). Individu et société selon Walras. Revue De Philosophie Économique, 18, 57–89.

  • Larrouy, L., & Lecouteux, G. (2017). Mindreading and Endogenous Beliefs in Games. Journal of Economic Methodology, 24(3), 318–343.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2017). Review of Stefan Heidl, Philosophical Problems of Behavioural Economics. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 7(1), 143–148.

  • Pinzon-Fuchs, E. (2017). Economics as a “tooled” discipline: Lawrence R. Klein and the making of macroeconometric modeling, 1939-1959. [PhD thesis]. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

  • Pinzon-Fuchs, E. (2017). PhD summary: Economics as a ‘tooled’ discipline: Lawrence R. Klein and the making macroeconometric modeling, 1939-1959, Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 10(1), 133–136.

  • Sergi, F. (2017). From the Lucasian Revolution to DSGE Models: An Account of Recent Developments in Macroeconomic Modelling. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 10(1), 142–145.


  • Allisson, F. (2016). Н.И. Зибер - Влиятельный ученый-одиночк [N.I. Sieber as a Solitary but Influent Scholar]. Terra Economicus, 14(4), 84–91.

  • Baranzini, R., & Allisson, F. (2016). Lausanne School. In G. Faccarello & H. D. Kurz (Eds.), Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volume II: Schools of Thought in Economics (pp. 281–294). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Brisset, N. (2016). Economics Is Not Always Performative: Some Limits for Performativity. Journal of Economic Methodology, 23(2), 160–184.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2016). Review of Paul Erickson, Judy L. Klein, Lorraine Daston, Rebecca Lemov, Thomas Sturm, et Michael D. Gordin, How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind. The Strange Career of Cold War Rationality. Revue Européenne Des Sciences Sociales, 54(2), 304–308.

  • Colin-Jaeger, N. (2016). L’anthropologie politique d’Adam Smith. Consecutio Rerum, 1(1), 133–150.

  • Favereau, J. (2016). On the analogy between field experiments in economics and clinical trials in medicine. Journal of Economic Methodology, 23(2), 203–222.

  • Favereau, J. (2016). Expérimentations. Expériences randomisées en économie du développement et conventions. In P. Batifoulier, F. Bessis, A. Ghirardello, G. de Larquier, & D. Remillon (Eds.), Dictionnaire des conventions – Autour des travaux d’Olivier Favereau. Presses universitaires du Septentrion.

  • Fèvre, R. (2016). Jean SOLCHANY, Wilhelm Röpke, l’autre Hayek: Aux origines du néolibéralisme. Revue Européenne Des Sciences Sociales. European Journal of Social Sciences, 54-1, 277–280.

  • Fèvre, R. (2016). Patricia Commun, Les Ordolibéraux: Histoire d’un libéralisme à l’allemande. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 6-4, 571–577.

  • Infante, G., Lecouteux, G., & Sugden, R. (2016). Preference Purification and the Inner Rational Agent: A Critique of the Conventional Wisdom of Behavioural Welfare Economics. Journal of Economic Methodology, 23(1), 1–25.

  • Infante, G., Lecouteux, G., & Sugden, R. (2016). ‘On the Econ Within’: A Reply to Daniel Hausman. Journal of Economic Methodology, 23(1), 33–37.

  • Jullien, D. (2016). All Frames Created Equal Are Not Identical: On the Structure of Kahneman and Tversky’s Framing Effects. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 6-2, 265–291.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2016). From Homo Economicus to Homo Psychologicus: The Paretian Foundations of Behavioural Paternalism. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 6(2), 175–200.

  • Pinzon-Fuchs, E. (2016). Review of Andrés Álvarez and Juan Santiago Correa (eds.) Ideas y políticas económicas en Colombia durante el primer siglo republicano. Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 3(2), 246–248.

  • Sergi, F. (2016). A Review (and a Comment) on Michel De Vroey’s History of Macroeconomics. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 6(1), 117–127.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2015). Statistical Economic Balances in Unbalanced Times. The Balance of the National Economy of the USSR, 1923–24: Pavel Illich Popov’s Contribution. In A Research Annual. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

  • Allisson, F. (2015). Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought. A Journey Inside the Russian Synthesis (1890–1919). Routledge.

  • Allisson, F. (2015). Russia and Ukraine. In V. Barnett (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of the History of Global Economic Thought (pp. 102–110). Routledge.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2015). Review of Government Failure: Society, Markets and Rules, by Wilfred Dolfsma. Journal of Economic Issues, 49(4), 1140–1142.

  • Fèvre, R. (2015). Du libéralisme historique à la crise sociale du XXe siècle. Revue Économique, 66(5), 901–931.

  • Fèvre, R. (2015). Retour sur le libéralisme conservateur de Wilhelm Röpke. Revue Européenne Des Sciences Sociales. European Journal of Social Sciences, 53-2, 147–190.

  • Goutsmedt, A., Pinzon-Fuchs, E., Renault, M., & Sergi, F. (2015). Criticizing the Lucas Critique, macroeconometricians’ response to Robert Lucas. Document De Travail Du Centre d’Economie De La Sorbonne.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2015). PhD Thesis Summary: Reconciling Normative and Behavioural Economics. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 8(2), 117–120.

  • Lecouteux, G. (2015). In Search of Lost Nudges. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 6(3), 397–408.

  • Lecouteux, G., & Moulin, L. (2015). To Gain or Not To Lose? Tuition Fees for Loss Averse Students. Economics Bulletin, 35(2), 1005–1019.

  • Sergi, F. (2015). Robert Lucas and the Twist of Modeling Methodology. On some Econometric Methods and Problems in New Classical Macroeconomics (Documents De Travail Du CES No.2015.88; Number 2015.88). Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES).

  • Sergi, F. (2015). L’approche (faussement ?) naïve à l’histoire des modèles DSGE (Documents De Travail Du CES No.2015.66; Number 2015.66). Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES).

  • Sergi, F. (2015). Rebuilding “Time to Build”: A History of the Real Business Cycle Models. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 5(3), 399–413.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2014). Circulation du capital et explication du changement économique chez Marschak, Frisch et Leontief. Cahiers d’Economie Politique, 2, 119–157.

  • Akhabbar, A., & Allisson, F. (2014). Russian Political Economy from Utopia to Social Engineering: An Introduction. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 4(1), 5–15.

  • Allisson, F. (2014). Tugan-Baranovsky on Socialism: From Utopia to the Economic Plan. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 4(1), 35–53.

  • Allisson, F. (2014). Samsonoff on Rent Theory: Or, Yet Another Member of the Lausanne School? In R. Baranzini & F. Allisson (Eds.), Economics and Other Branches – In the Shade of the Oak Tree. Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel (pp. 113–122). Pickering & Chatto.

  • Allisson, F., & Brisset, N. (2014). Une approche stratégique du vote. Revue Économique, 65(3), 681–686.

  • Baranzini, R., & Allisson, F. (2014). Economics and Other Branches – In the Shade of the Oak Tree. Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel. Pickering & Chatto.

  • Baranzini, R., & Allisson, F. (2014). Introduction. In Economics and Other Branches – In the Shade of the Oak Tree. Essays in Honour of Pascal Bridel (pp. 1–5). Pickering & Chatto.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2014). Expliquer, quantifier, prouver: une histoire de l’économie des discriminations 1957-2010 [PhD thesis]. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2014). Normative and positive theories of public finance: contrasting Musgrave and Buchanan. Journal of Economic Methodology, 21(3), 273–289.

  • Desmarais-Tremblay, M. (2014). Review of Angela Kallhoff, Why Democracy Needs Public Goods. \OE Conomia, 4(2), 249–253.

  • Favereau, J. (2014). The J-PAL’s experimental approach in development economics: an epistemological turn? Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 7(2), 177–180.

  • Favereau, J. (2014). L’approche expérimentale du J-Pal en économie du développement: un tournant épistémologique? [PhD thesis]. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris I.

  • Jullien, D., & Vallois, N. (2014). A Probabilistic Ghost In the Experimental Machine. Journal of Economic Methodology, 21(3), 232–250.

  • Lallement, J. (2014). Le statut épistémologique des lois économiques du socialisme. Œconomia, 4(2), 189–221.

  • Lallement, J. (2014). Walras between individualism and holism. In F. Allison & R. Baranzini (Eds.), Economics and others branches : in the shade of the oak tree (pp. 15–30). Pickering & Chatoo.

  • Sergi, F. (2014). Quelle méthodologie pour une étude des modèles DSGE ? Suggestions à partir d’un état des lieux des recherches sur la modélisation (Documents De Travail Du CES No.2014.67; Number 2014.67). Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES).


  • Allisson, F. (2013). Value and prices in Russian economic thought (1890-1920). Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 6(2), 125–127.

  • Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, C. (2013). L’économie des discriminations : conquête impérialiste ou contribution à la théorie des prix. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 3(1), 87–118.

  • Cot, A. L., & Lautier, B. (2013). La frontière du capital. Revue Tiers Monde, 2, 79–107.

  • Frasser, C. (2013). Menos cocaína, más violencia. Revista De Economía Institucional, 15(29).

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  • Jullien, D. (2013). Intentional Apple-Choice Behaviors: When Amartya Sen Meets John Searle. Cahiers d’Economie Politique, 65(2), 97–128.

  • Lallement, J. (2013). Entre morale et charité, la science économique et les pauvres, de Smith à Walras. In H. Guillemin & A. Diemer (Eds.), Inégalités et pauvreté dans les pays riches (pp. 15–38). Œconomia.

  • Lallement, J. (2013). Walras et la propriété intellectuelle. In J.-P. Potier & A. Diemer (Eds.), Léon Walras, un siècle après (1910-2010), P.I.E (pp. 227–255). Bruxelles.


  • Allisson, F. (2012). Vincent Barnett, E.E. Slutsky as Economist and Mathematician: Crossing the Limits of Knowledge (Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. xvii, 225, \textdollar130 (hardcover). ISBN 978-0-415-54960-8. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 34(3), 442–445.

  • Allisson, F., & Raskov, D. (2012). Из переписки В.И. Борткевича с Л. Вальрасом: страницы истории Лозаннской школы [From the Correspondence between V. I. Bortkiewicz and L. Walras: Chapters of Lausanne School’s History]. Вестник С.-Петербургского Университета (Серия 5) [Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Ser. 5], 1, 72–87.

  • Favereau, J. (2012). Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo (2011), Poor Economics. A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. Œconomia-History/Methodology/Philosophy, 252–257.

  • Fèvre, R. (2012). Serge Audier, Néo-libéralisme (s). Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 2-4, 517–522.

  • Lallement, J. (2012). Les économistes et les pauvres : de Smith à Walras. L’Économie Politique, 55, 43–66.

  • Lenfant, J.-S. (2012). Indifference Curves and the Ordinalist Revolution. History of Political Economy, 44(1).


  • Akhabbar, A., & Lallement, J. (2011). Appliquer la théorie économique de l’équilibre général : de Walras à Leontief. In B. R. & alii (Eds.), Léon Walras et l’équilibre économique général, recherches récentes (pp. 201–231). Economica.

  • Akhabbar, A., Antille, G., Fontela, E., & Pulido, A. (2011). Input-output in Europe: Trends in research and applications. Œconomia, 1(1), 73–98.

  • Allisson, F. (2011). Une pensée économique russe? Présentation de l’article << Science économique\,>> de Tugan-Baranovskij (1890), suivi de la traduction commentée. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 1(1), 101–121.

  • Allisson, F. (2011). Review of Vincent Barnett, A History of Russian Economic Thought. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 1(3), 459–462.

  • Allisson, F. (2011). From Crises to Cycles: Tugan-Baranovsky and the Brockhaus-Efron (1895-1915). In D. Besomi (Ed.), Crises and Cycles in Economic Dictionaries (pp. 343–360). Routledge.

  • Lallement, J. (2011). Entre monautopole et majorat littéraire, la propriété intellectuelle selon Walras. Œconomia, 1(3), 393–435.

  • Lallement, J. (2011). Les remèdes à la pauvreté proposés par les économistes au XIXe siècle. In M. Kerleau, S. Laguérodie, & J.-L. Outin (Eds.), Crises, inégalités et pauvretés, Presses universitaires de Louvain (pp. 239–252).


  • Akhabbar, A. (2010). L’étrange victoire. Leontief et la transformation de la science économique. De la planification sans théorie à la mesure sans théorie, 1920-1949. Revue Européenne Des Sciences Sociales. European Journal of Social Sciences, XLVIII-145, 33–62.

  • Allisson, F. (2010). Review of Vincent Barnett and Joachim Zweynert (eds), Economics in Russia: Studies in Intellectual History. History of Economic Ideas, XVIII(1), 229–232.

  • Allisson, F. (2010). Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail Ivanovich. In J. Ciment (Ed.), Booms and Busts. An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipomania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century (Vol. 3, pp. 842–844). Sharpe Reference.

  • Diemer, A., & Lallement, J. (2010). L’épistémologie de Maurice Allais (J. Lallement & B. Munier, Eds.). Clément Juglar.

  • Lallement, J. (2010). Pauvreté et économie politique au XIXe siècle ». Cahiers d’Économie Politique, 59, 119–140.


  • Allisson, F. (2009). Reception of Walras’ Theory of Exchange and Theory of Production in Russia. The History of Economic Thought, 51(1), 19–35.

  • Allisson, F., Breban, L., & Bridel, P. (2009). Bibliographie des écrits de Clément Juglar (1846-1904). Revue Européenne Des Sciences Sociales, XLVII-143, 107–124.


  • Akhabbar, A. (2008). Wassily Leontief, l’analyse input-output et la République industrielle (Wassily Leontief, Input-Output Analysis, and the Industrial Republic) [PhD thesis].

  • Allisson, F. (2008). Les premiers lecteurs de Walras en Russie (1890-1919). Études d’Économie Walrassienne, Les Cahiers OMI, Université De Reims Champagne-Ardenne, HS 6, 19–35.


  • Akhabbar, A., & Lallement, J. (2007). Appliquer la théorie de l’équilibre général: économie appliquée et politique économique de Walras à Leontief.(Applying General Equilibrium Theory: Applied Economics and Economic Policy from Walras to Leontief). Les Cahiers Du CERAS, HS, 5, 125–142.


  • Keppler, J. H., & Lallement, J. (2006). The Origins of the U-Shaped Average Cost Curve: Understanding the Complexities of the Modern Theory of the Firm. History of Political Economy, 733–774.