Cristian Frasser
Assistant Professor
Universidad del Valle
Liquidity Money Natural kinds Philosophy of economics Monetary economics
My research interests include monetary economics, philosophy of economics, and history of economic thought. I conduct research at the intersection of economics and philosophy, aiming to make sense of the nature of liquidity, money, and credit. Due to the complexity of such a subject matter, I tend to favor methodological pluralism: the higher the diversity of our tools, the better our chances of gaining an understanding. My research has so far been built on search-based models of money, philosophical insights about natural kinds, and the history of monetary theory.
Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2023). Definitions in economics: farewell to essentialism. Journal of Economic Methodology, 1–17.
Frasser, C., & Lebeau, L. (2023). Complementary Currencies and Liquidity: The Case of Coca-Base Money.
Frasser-Lozano, C., & Pájaro-Gallego, J. C. (2023). Reasignación de liquidez y costo de bienestar de la inflación en Colombia. Lecturas De Economı́a, 98, 67–95.
Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2020). What Do We Call Money? An Appraisal of the Money-Or-Nonmoney View. Journal of Institutional Economics, 1–16.
Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2017). Revista de economia institucional. La Naturaleza De Las Instituciones. El Debate Actual, 19(37).
Frasser, C., & Guzmán, G. (2017). Rules, Incentivization, and the Ontology of Human Society. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 47(6).
Frasser, C. (2013). Menos cocaína, más violencia. Revista De Economía Institucional, 15(29).
Frasser, C., & Las, F. (2013). Calidad del empleo y bienestar, un análisis con escalas de equivalencia. Ensayos Sobre Política Económica, 33(77).