
Judith Favereau

Associate Professor

Laboratoire TRIANGLE, Université Lyon 2


Philosophy of economics Poverty Experimental economics Development economics Epistemology


I am currently a lecturer at the University Lyon 2 and attached to the multidisciplinary laboratory TRIANGLE. I am also attached to the Academy of Finland Centre of Excelence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (TINT). My areas of research are development economics, economic philosophy, experimental economics and evidence-based-policy approaches. Part of my research is aimed at identifying how evidence-based approaches, development economics and experimental economics interact to fight poverty. This implies focusing on both these different disciplinary transfers as well as analyzing the different methodologies at work. As a result, economic philosophy plays at least two central roles here. The first is to analyze these interactions and disciplinary transfers, and the second is to question their implications. To this is added the dimension of economic philosophy, namely to grasp how the fight against poverty is transformed into practice, and how the latter can be apprehended according to different criteria of social justice.

I completed my thesis at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne under the supervision of Professor Annie L. Cot, which I defended publicly on February 14, 2014. This thesis, entitled “The experimental approach of the J-PAL - an epistemological turning point”, examines the recent and increasingly massive use of randomized field experiments in development economics and offers an epistemological analysis of the issues at stake.



  • Baujard, A., Favereau, J., & Girard, C. (2021). Normes et normativité en économie. Revue De Philosophie Economique, 21(1), 3–18.

  • Favereau, J. (2021). Le hasard de la preuve. Apports et limites de l’économie expérimentale du développement. ENS Editions, à paraître mai 2021.

  • Favereau, J., & Nagatsu, M. (2021). History and Methodology of Field Experiments. Routledge, à paraître octobre 2021.


  • Favereau, J. (2020). D’où viennent les expériences de terrain en économie? L’Economie Politique, 4, 82–92.

  • Favereau, J., & Nagatsu, M. (2020). Holding back from theory: limits and methodological alternatives of randomized field experiments in development economics. Journal of Economic Methodology, 27(3), 191–211.

  • Nagatsu, M., & Favereau, J. (2020). Two strands of field experiments in economics: A historical-methodological analysis. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 50(1), 45–77.


  • Favereau, J. (2018). Marcel Boumans, Science Outside the Laboratory. Measurement in Field Science and Economics. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 8-1, 125–130.


  • Favereau, J. (2016). On the analogy between field experiments in economics and clinical trials in medicine. Journal of Economic Methodology, 23(2), 203–222.

  • Favereau, J. (2016). Expérimentations. Expériences randomisées en économie du développement et conventions. In P. Batifoulier, F. Bessis, A. Ghirardello, G. de Larquier, & D. Remillon (Eds.), Dictionnaire des conventions – Autour des travaux d’Olivier Favereau. Presses universitaires du Septentrion.


  • Favereau, J. (2014). The J-PAL’s experimental approach in development economics: an epistemological turn? Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 7(2), 177–180.

  • Favereau, J. (2014). L’approche expérimentale du J-Pal en économie du développement: un tournant épistémologique? [PhD thesis]. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris I.


  • Favereau, J. (2012). Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo (2011), Poor Economics. A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. Œconomia-History/Methodology/Philosophy, 252–257.