Kevin Leportier
Temporary Teaching and Research Associate (ATER)
University Gustave Eiffel
philosophy of economics ethics and economics normative economics freedom of choice
Wassily Leontief
My work focuses on the evaluation of economic policies and institutions by considering their impact on individual freedom, following in the footsteps of Amartya Sen or Robert Sugden.
One of my objectives is to highlight the value judgments economists make when they adopt one representation of the economic agent over another or when they select specific criteria to evaluate individual choices.
The aim is also to move beyond purely theoretical inquiry to apply it to pressing issues in economic ethics, including debates concerning morally contested markets, the justification of resorting to coercion to provide public goods, and the legitimacy of paternalistic public policies
Leportier, K. (2022). Chapitre 10. L’économie normative sans les préférences ? Critère d’opportunité, anti-paternalisme et engagement. In A. G. Badiei Sina et Gilles Campagnolo (Ed.), Le positif, le normatif et la philosophie économique (pp. 271–290). Éditions Matériologiques.
Leportier, K. (2020). Christian List, Why Free Will Is Real. Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy, 10(3), 629–634.